Blog Blazers

Penelope Trunk Penelope Trunk
Brazen Careerist
40 Top
Blog Blazers contains interviews of 40 of the web's Top Bloggers.
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Penelope writes career advice for a new generation of workers. She explains why much of the old advice is outdated and irrelevant in today's workplace. She's especially known for test-driving her advice before giving it. Her own career choices have been featured by Time magazine and the Guardian as examples of the new issues people face at work today. Both the New York Times and Business Week cited her writing as especially in tune with today's new workplace.

Penelope has spent ten years as a marketing executive in the software industry. She then founded two companies of her own. She's endured an IPO, a merger, and a bankruptcy. Prior to working in the executive world, Penelope was a professional beach volleyball player.

Today, Penelope is a columnist at Boston Globe, and her syndicated column runs in more than 200 publications worldwide. She has written the book Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success. She is also the author of the famous blog Brazen Careerist.

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Blog BlazersBlog Blazers: 40 Top Bloggers Share Their Secrets. A book by Stephane Grenier.
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